Friday 15 January 2016

90 took France trial drug that left 1 brain-dead, 5 hospitalised

Image result for france trial drug

One person has been left brain-dead and three others face possibly irreversible brain damage after they took an experimental drug administered to 90 people in France, Health Minister Marisol Touraine and a neurologist said Friday.
Six volunteers were taken to hospital last week after taking part in the Phase I trial of a new medication meant to treat mood disorders such as anxiety, developed by Portuguese pharmaceutical company Bial.
Touraine said the men, aged between 28 and 49, were part of a group of around 90 people who had taken the drug, while about 30 others had received a placebo.
The volunteers were given varying doses and but the six men were in the group who were taking the drug "regularly".
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Pierre-Gilles Edan, head of the neurology department at the hospital in Rennes where the volunteers were taken, said that aside from the man who was clinically dead, three others were suffering a "handicap that could be irreversible" and another also had neurological problems.
The sixth volunteer had no symptoms but was being monitored.
"This is unprecedented" in France, said the health minister, vowing to "shed light" on who was responsible.
"The shock is even greater given the fact that the people taking part in clinical trials are healthy."
She said the drug acted on natural receptors found in the body known as endocannibinoids which regulate mood and appetite, but did not contain the compound found in the cannabis plant.


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